[FSJ-Info] 2017 - 18 Futsal Season

Mark Stout markwstout at gmail.com
Thu Oct 19 13:02:20 PDT 2017


I wanted to respond to everyone re. some of the questions we have been
getting.  Also, I ask for your continued patience and input as we try to
migrate everything over from the system of the past 10 years to GotSoccer.

1.  Why are we changing systems:

First, we have to.  The previous system was created and run by an
individual who put in countless hours to create and maintain the site and
to do everything necessary to create the schedules.  He has not had kids
involved with the league for years and it was simply time for the League to
find a third party site (GotSoccer).

Second:  We are hoping to be able to partner with the same system used by
many of the outdoor leagues to try and make a more integrated system for
teams.  It also allows us to take advantage of the many tools available for
managing locations, referees, etc.

2.  Will teams be allowed to request bye dates/times

With one possible exception that we are looking into, the answer is no.
Even with the previous system, it was getting to the point where trying to
create schedules was becoming increasingly difficult due the number of bye
requests we were getting.  With the new system, it simply will not support
that feature.  However:
   a.  We are trying to make an exception to be able to block entire
weekends for those teams that know they will be playing in outdoor State
Cup games; and
   b.  The entire 10 game schedule will be released prior to the start of
the season.  This will provide teams ample time to identify the games they
cannot make and work with their opponents and other teams to trade
timeslots and/or swap opponents.
    c.  The league will also attempt to have some excess gym times
available each weekend and/or at the end of the season to allow teams to
move timeslots without having to find other teams to trade with.

3.  Will teams be allowed to request not to play a certain opponent?

I believe the answer to this is also No.  Again, as stated above, you
should have time to trade with another team if absolutely necessary.
 Often times teams ask for this because of "bad blood" between teams,
coaches, etc.  As mentioned in our email last week, one of the many goals
we have for the upcoming season (and during the Coaches' meeting in
November) is to remind all teams about the nature of this league and to
implement a much more defined Rules of Conduct along with corresponding
consequences for violating those rules.  In short, we no longer want there
to be a category of "unfriendly" teams.

4.  Will the new system be able to avoid time conflicts for coaches with
more than one team

Yes.  However, there is a limit to that.  Last season, we had coaches with
7+ teams which made it nearly impossible to schedule all teams every week
without a conflict.  I am not sure what the limit is with GotSoccer (will
try to find out), but I would guess no more than 5 teams for any one
coach.  If a coach does have more than 5 teams then please list an
assistant coach or team manager as "Coach" for the other teams.

5.  Can games be longer than 20 minutes/half

No - With the number of teams we have v. Gym space, we can't increase the
game time.

6.  What is the Season Dates?

   a.  Will play 2 weekends in December, weekends of 12/9 and 12/16;
   b.  Will be off during the holidays (weekends of 12/23 and 12/30);
   c.   Will then play weekends of 1/6/18 - 3/3/18

7.  Will teams still have to register their coaches, players, and managers
with USFF

Yes - I do not believe there will be any changes to that process.  I do
need to get more info. from USFF re. integrating their site with
GotSoccer.  Will provide more info. on this topic within the next week.

Finally, now that we are getting more familiar with the new software, etc.
we will begin updating the new website with the information and remaining
steps related to registration and all of the questions addressed above.

Please don't hesitate to email me with other questions, suggestions,
concerns, etc.  There will be changes, but I believe we will be able to
adapt as necessary and have another successful year for the 1,500+ kids
that played last season and what makes all of our collective efforts worth
the time and energy we put into the league and coaching/managing all of the

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