FutsalSJ - Edit Team Page

Your team's website

The FSJ website includes a web page for every team. This webpage can be edited by the team itself, and contains information about the coaches and manager, some text about the team, up to two pictures, tryout dates (those will be published on the main page of the league!) and some of your recent successes. In order to edit your team's page follow these steps:
  1. Print this page: optional, but potentially useful,
  2. Find your team's page: click on the [Teams] menu point on the left menu. Look for your team, girls are listed in the first table, boys in the table below, the teams are ordered by age, and if they have a name the name is listed, otherwise the name of the coach. Click on the name of the team or the name of the coach.
  3. Click on the '[edit]' link: its at the top of the page, marked with a green blob in the picture below:
  4. Get the password: if you do not know the password you can ask the server to email it to the coach, assistant coach and team manager by clicking on the
     Send password to coach, assistant coach and manager 
    button at the bottom of the page, marked with a green blob in the picture below (and make sure to check the SPAM folder for the email!):

    If you do not get an email with your password, for example because the email is misspelled, you need to send an email to web@futsalsj.org. Please indicate the exact team you need help with (age group, gender, class, team name). Once you have the password you can login and edit the sections listed below. Your login session times out after about an hour.
  5. Edit the page: once you have the password edit the page. When you open the edit page the first time you will see the following list:
    • Edit Team Information
        (contains team name, some text about the team and a link to another team page if there is one)
    • Edit coach/manager address and phone
        Contains contact info for those three people. Note that email addresses are not visible unless you explicitly ask for them (hidden to lower spam problems).
    • Edit Email Lists
        You can enter the email addresses of your parents and then send out emails to all of them by using an email address that will show up in the top section of your teams webpage. Older teams (U14 and older) can also define an email list for players. The email list can only be used by coaches and parents.
    • Edit Practice
        This section allows you to reserve practice fields, set the time, and add some comments for your parents).
    • Edit Scores
        Enter scores for games played.
    • Edit Byes
        Here you can enter two days or weekends on which you cannot play.
    • Edit Success Stories
        If your team had a great success enter it here (will also show up on the main page!).
    • Edit Photos
        You can upload two large picture and one thumbnail
    • Edit Away Game information
        The league manages all the home games for teams, away games have to be entered by the coach.
    • Password and Save button
    Except for the last one all those headings are clickable and will open up their section when you click on them (and close again if you click again).
If you have any questions, suggestions or problems please send an email to Web Site Coordinator Claudio Fleiner at [click to show email].
© 2006-2024 Futsal San José, California